Lewdle is a word-guessing game similar to Wordle, except all of the words are not suitable for work (NSFW: Not safe for work). The rules are the same; you have to guess a 5-6 letter word within six tries. You do get a hint by clicking on the lightbulb, but it will only get you 1 letter in the right position.
If you want to avoid breaking your streak, but don’t want the solution right away, here are some clues that can help you guess the answer.
Related: Today’s Byrdle Answer
Just the Tip is a game feature added to Lewdle in March 2023. It’s a hint feature that allows you to press a button to reveal one missing letter from the daily Lewdle solution. Using this feature will lower your overall score, but it will also help you get today’s solution if you’re struggling.
Lewdle is a word-guessing game similar to Wordle. Players enter a word into the text boxes and hit return. The letters will retain a black background if they don’t appear in the word, get a yellow background if they’re in the word but in the wrong position, and get a green background if they’re in the correct position. Players need to use the knowledge gained from past guesses to type in the correct word with the number of guesses they have left.
Here is a list of previous Lewdle answers for some inspiration for future words: