In the festive spirit, Priyanka Chopra Jonas has adorned her Los Angeles home with personalised Christmas decor, paying a heartfelt tribute to family ties. Sharing glimpses of her festive preparations on Instagram Stories, the actress showcased a touching arrangement of custom-made Christmas stockings gracing her fireplace, each bearing the names of cherished family members. The heartwarming picture captured six stockings elegantly hung over the fireplace mantle, symbolising an inclusive celebration of loved ones.
On the right side, three stockings displayed the embroidered names of Priyanka, her husband Nick Jonas, and their daughter, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. Extending the warmth to their extended family, the left side featured stockings for Nick's parents, Kevin Senior and Denise Jonas, alongside Priyanka's mother, Madhu Chopra. A tasteful string of Christmas decorations completed the cosy setting at the hearth's base, enhancing the festive ambiance. Priyanka Chopra's caption, "Grateful," accompanying the Instagram post, reflected her sentiment of appreciation and thankfulness, resonating with the spirit of the season and the significance of familial bonds. Amidst the holiday fervour, Priyanka and Nick recently commemorated their fifth wedding anniversary, reminiscing about their grand wedding festivities held at Jodhpur's Umaid Bhawan Palace. Juggling between attending Nick's concerts in various cities and starring in Hollywood projects like Russo Brothers' Citadel and Love Again, alongside Sam Heughan and Celine Dion, Priyanka remains deeply engaged in her professional endeavours, with a cameo appearance by Nick Jonas adding to the excitement of her upcoming ventures. More on:
Priyanka Chopra Jonas ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7p7XLpp2aqpVjsLC5jqecsKtfl7ytuNiwpqicX52ys7HSZphmn5yeurG%2FxGaYrWWgp7a6rc2kmGabmKS9s62Mo6anmaOoerGx0aymp5mcnsCmsIycn6uho6m6or%2BMnZycp6Jig3R9lGploaydoQ%3D%3D