Amitabh Bachchan shared an update on his health following an injury he sustained earlier this month on the set of Project K. The actor posted an update on Instagram saying he was recovering. In addition to the note, he included an old photo of himself wearing a black and white ensemble at a fashion show. He wrote, “Thank you for all the prayers and wishes for my recovery. I repair. Hope to be back on the ramp soon.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Amitabh Bachchan (@amitabhbachchan)
In the first week of March, Amitabh Bachchan revealed that he had an accident while filming an action sequence for Project K, causing his rib cartilage to "pop". He had medical care in Hyderabad and is currently recovering at his Mumbai residence. Amitabh Bachchan acknowledged the severity of the injuries and the length of time it would take him to resume his regular activities in his blog.
He wrote, "In Hyderabad at the shoot for Project K, during an action shot, I have got injured - rib cartilage popped broke and muscle tear to the right rib cage, cancelled shoot, did Doctor consult and scan by CT at the AIG Hospital in Hyderabad and flown back home. Strapping has been done and rest [has] been advocated. Yes, painful. On movement and breathing, it will take some weeks, they say before some normalisation will occur. Some medication is on also for pain."
"So, all work that was to be done has been suspended and cancelled, dropped postponed for the moment until healing occurs. I rest at Jalsa and am mobile a bit for all the essential activities, but yes in rest and generally lying around,” he added.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Amitabh Bachchan will appear in Project K alongside Prabhas and Deepika Padukone. He will also be seen in Ganapath - Part 1 with Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon.
See Also: Deepika Padukone and Prabhas' Project K is to be released in two segments; deets inside
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Amitabh Bachchan ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7p7XLpp2aqpVjsLC5jqecsKtfl7ytuNiwpqicX5a6qsDAm59mmpGYtaS0wKdkrKCRp7K0ecCnZK6olJbBpnnOp2ShoaNitaaty62fZquRrsButM6pnGasn2KvpnnBmpqkZZ%2BjerW0xGapmqWgYsCwu81mbHBsaWt7qcDMpQ%3D%3D