Ever since Ileana announced her pregnancy and showcased her baby bump, it puzzled several fans of her and the media. The doubt was about her boyfriend aka husband. Ileana had been tight-lipped about the whole thing and never revealed the name of the father of her baby. She even shared a glimpse of her with the mystery man. But no one had a clue about the person’s name and her relationship with him.
Now, all these details are out. The mystery man is none other than Ileana’s husband. His name is Michael Dolan. The couple has been seeing each other before taking their relationship forward. Michael and Ileana got married on 13th May this year in an intimate and private wedding. Around this date, Ileana posted a picture of her wearing white bridal dress in front of a decorated venue. However, the venue and destination is not known. The marriage has been registered. This is just four weeks before Ileana announced her pregnancy publicly.
After Ileana announced she delivered a baby boy on 1st August and announced name as ‘Koa Phoenix Dolan’. The news about her wedding with Michael Dolan has come out finally. It is official now. Overall, it’s happy news for Ileana and Michael Dolan who became parents.