Ajay Devgn, whose recent release Drishyam has been achieving great success, took to his social media to share a picture of him and his son Yug, from their holiday in Varanasi. Taking to his Instagram, he shared a picture which featured the two lying down, as they soaked in the sun. His caption read, "Yug & I, finding our small moment of peace in the heart of Varanasi."On the work front, Drishyam 2 which also starred Akshaye Khanna, Tabu, Shriya Saran and Ishita Dutta alongside Mrunal Jadhav, Rajat Kapoor, Saurabh Shukla and Kamlesh Sawant in supporting roles is doing extremely well at the box office.
Upcoming, Ajay is set to feature in Bholaa, which is a remake of the Tamil film Kaithi. He also has Amit sharma's Maidaan in the pipeline, which is set to release in February next year. More on:
Ajay Devgn ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7p7XLpp2aqpVjsLC5jqecsKtfl7ytuNiwpqicX5a3osWMnZyvn55iwKmt0Z6qZpldpbakwNSrnGavmam1br%2FOp2SyrZdirrR506GcsmWWnruledOhnKKqXai6orjLZqSopZWjwW67xWannpmTmnp2gZhyaWegpKK5